City Commissioner Keon Hardemon
In the City's attempt to displace Africans from the Community of Overtown Keon Hardemon seems to be leading the charge. The City is using Keon and SEOPW CRA to create a new police force in Overtown. A community with a high police presents. What Keon doesn't understand is that when you give the police money to do extra they will do extra. What this means for the community is More harassment of people that look criminal, More arrest for misdemeanor crimes, More police shootings, and Added fear and frustration in the community. This is a sure way to drive good people out of Overtown. The City hasn't even answered the charge of the police killing of an African man earlier this year in Overtown. Keon has a close personal relationship with the City of Miami Police and we all know why. But his partnership with them is almost criminal. At the least it's unconstitutional. Take for example the large amount of money he gave to put up a police camera that can look into people homes. This have been proven unconstitutional in other Cities, as an attorney Keon should know this. Even-though Keon will not seek a second term he still has to account for his actions. I just hope that the mess he makes will be able to be cleaned up by someone better suited for the job.
SEOPW CRA Dec 14, 2015 agenda item #4
A resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown / Park West Community Redevelopment Agency authorizing a grant in the amount not to exceed $900,000 to the City of Miami to underwrite cost associated with enhanced policing services with in the redevelopment area; further authorizing the executive director to disburse funds, at his discretion, on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors, upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation; further authorizing the executive director to execute all documents necessary for said purpose; allocating funds from SEOPW, other grants and aids.
Come see for yourself tonight.
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